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1917- 2017- память Царственных Страстотерпцев

La Russie se souvient du crime, des crimes. 

Quand l'appât des richesses, l'oppression des plus vulnérables, et la rage meurtrière, sous prétexte de progrès et d'égalité, s'emparent d'un pays.
60 000 personnes en procession.
A travers la mémoire du crime contre le Tsar et sa famille, enfants compris, ce sont tous les morts de la dictature soviétique qui sont rappelés.

Крестный ход на Ганину Яму в память Святых Царственных страстотерпцев 17 июля 2017 года

 17 juil. 2017

Царский крестный ход на Ганину Яму в память Святых Царственных страстотерпцев. 17 июля 2017 года. Екатеринбург. Храм-на-Крови - Ганина Яма

Божественная литургия в память Царственных Страстотерпцев из Храма-на-Крови. 17.07.2017

17 июля 2017 года митрополит Екатеринбургский и Верхотурский Кирилл возглавил Божественную литургию в память святых царственных страстотерпцев в Храме-на-Крови города Екатеринбурга.
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Царский крестный ход от Храма-на-Крови до монастыря Святых Царственных Страстотерпцев

В ночь с 16 на 17 июля 2016 года в Екатеринбурге прошел традиционный Царский крестный ход от Храма-на-Крови до монастыря Святых Царственных Страстотерпцев

La Russie n'est pas assez forte pour lutter contre la barbarie islamique dans son propre pays ... 

Ce que pense Ramzan Kadyrov des gays en Tchétchénie

Russia: Gay prisons in Chechnya 'unconfirmed facts' - Chechen leader Kadyrov

Ajoutée le 19 avr. 2017
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov alluded to recent media reports of arrests and killings of gay men in the Chechen republic, during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday. The leader stated that the claims were "unconfirmed facts."

"So-called good people are writing that in our republic, it is even awkward to say, the people are being detained and killed" he stated.

He went on to make an example of a man named Tepsurkayev Hasu who was reported to have been killed while he was "alive and healthy at home."

In early April, the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta published a report of mass arrests of gay men in the Chechen Republic. The article claimed that around 100 people were detained while at least three people were killed. Novaya Gazeta later published material on special prisons for homosexuals, where they have been allegedly tortured.

SOT, Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of Chechen Republic (Russian): "I would like to inform you that those provocative articles that are written about the Chechen Republic, about the people, about those events that allegedly take place, about detentions."

SOT, President Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (Russian): [off camera] "Which ones?"

SOT, Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of Chechen Republic (Russian): "So-called good people are writing that in our republic, it is even awkward to say, the people are being detained and killed. They even gave one name – Tepsurkayev Hasu, he is our main person in ideology, the Sufi. They said that he was killed but he is at home. They insulted him first then accused authorities of killing him, and he is alive and healthy at home."

SOT, Ramzan Kadyrov, Head of Chechen Republic (Russian): "Such unconfirmed facts around the republic happen two or three times a year, and since the beginning of the year, this is the first situation of this kind. Generally, in terms of security, our republic is in good standing. We do not have street crime; we do not have serious terrorist threats. The republic, so to speak, is confidently moving forward."

SOT, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (Russian): "But there was a demonstration [against the crime], there was an attack on the unit of the National Guard so not all the questions apparently have been solved, but, of course, all of them are being resolved. I see that they are resolved well and of course it should be done on the basis of economic and social development. The fact that you manage to comply with the decrees of the President of Russia from 2012 is very important."

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